
It's Far From Over Ch 18

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OtoriReka's avatar

Literature Text

Sarah’s P.O.V

Sarah followed her fluttering guide as it led her further into the labyrinth; she watched the light dance off its wings as the sun steadily climbed higher into the sky. They had been walking for some time now and her guide showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. She followed in silence as the Butterfly fluttered through the twists and turns of the giant maze.

“How on earth does it know where it’s going?” she wondered aloud to herself.

Sarah only hesitated when the butterfly flitted through a large crevasse in one of the walls. She peered cautiously into the darkness. She could see the small red glow from the butterfly as it darted further into the blackness.

“Courage don’t desert me now!” she whispered to herself, taking a deep breath and plunged into the gloom. She was met with a gust of cold and damp air. The interior was rough and rocky; she placed one hand on the stone wall to steady herself and gathered up her skirts in the other. Slowly she made her way through the cavern; her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark and she was able to avoid stumbling over rocks and loss stones.

For some time the only light in the cave was the glowing red of the butterfly wings and the glitter dusting the walls, and then ahead she noticed a small slither of light. It grew as she got closer until she realized that it was another crack in the wall just big enough for a small person to squeeze through. The butterfly flew through the crack and Sarah struggled to follow, tearing her skirts a little in the process.

She now found herself in a similar passage she had been in when Hoggle let her out of the oubliette. A loud noise like thunder met her ears and she jumped back clapping her hands over her ears.

She looked around trying to find the source of the noise, it was then she noticed the stone faces that lined the walls. All were asleep and snoring; she found it hard to believe that they could sleep through the noise they were making.

She carefully made her way past them though she doubted that she would wake them if their snoring didn’t. She followed her guide along the passage for some minuets, all the while keeping a look out for crystals and beggars, she didn’t want Jareth surprising her again, especially not since she was meant to be meeting Allana.

Eventually they came to a ladder; here the butterfly hovered for a moment before it began to fly upwards. Sarah glanced up to where she could see a small circle of daylight. She hitched up her tattered skirt and mounted the ladder. Slowly she climbed up; this ladder was a lot taller than the one she and Hoggle had climbed after escaping from the cleaners. Gradually the light got nearer and nearer, until she found herself blinking in the sunlight. Like before she had emerged from the pot and she hurried to clamber out of it.

Smoothing out her skirts, that by now looked a little worse for wear, she looked around her. She was in the hedge maze in what appeared to be a clearing. There were huge pots and vases dotted around and a few stone benches. She noticed the butterfly resting on one and she hurried over, it flapped its wings a few times before rising into the air and fluttering onto her hand. She raised her hand to her face so she was looking directly at it.

“So what now?” She asked.

“What now indeed?” a strong female voice asked from behind her. Sarah whirled around causing the butterfly to flap frantically off her hand.

There, leaning against the pot she had just climbed out of and who hadn’t been there before, was the most beautiful girl Sarah had ever seen.

Now Sarah understood why Allana has said that she didn’t want to show her face in dreams, if she’d had a face like that she wouldn’t want to show it as anything but perfect either.

“Allana?” Sarah asked cautiously.

The girl smiled, which only enhanced her beauty more.

“The one and only.” She answered.

Sarah looked her over; she wore the same black cloak that she’d used to cover herself in Sarah’s dreams, and a gray dress that’s skirts were tattered but in a way that looked intended. Her dark and simple clothes only reinforced her prettiness, but her most striking feature was her hair. It was flame red, not ginger but a deep rich red, the colour of rubies when the light hit them.

“Wow your pretty.” Sarah exclaimed and hint of envy in her voice.

Allana smiled again.

“Of course,” she said simply, “I’m a witch.” She added as if that explained everything. Sarah wondered if all Witches were that beautiful and so she asked.

“All Witches are pretty, if you remember I told you that our looks were one of the reason humans turn against us. Women were jealous of our looks, men of our knowledge and power. It’s why we live down here. The Fae are equally beautiful and far more powerful and therefore don’t feel as threatened.”

Allana raised her hand and the butterfly that had been hovering between them, fluttered down to rest on her palm.

“Do you miss it?” Sarah question.

“Miss what?” Allana asked.

“Living in the aboveground.” Sarah explained.

Allana paused for a moment before speaking.

“I miss parts of it. I feel bad at times that we fled down here instead of staying and fighting for our beliefs. Perhaps if we had there wouldn’t be so little magic left up there. That Sarah,” Allana said pushing off the pot and striding towards her, “is where you come in.”

Sarah was puzzled.

“Me? What can I do? I don’t have magic.”

“Ah but that’s where your wrong Sarah, you do have magic.” Allana insisted.

Sarah shook her head.

“The Goblin King gave you certain powers remember? Your words have magic Sarah. Even without magic, words have power. Words caused humans to turn on my kind. Imagine what your words could do.”

Sarah eyed her carefully she still wasn’t sure about this, she’d made a wish that she didn’t really mean and look where it had gotten her!

“I still don’t know what you want me to do?” Sarah asked.

“Tell stories.” Allana said simply.

“Stories?” Sarah asked doubtfully.

“Like the ones you’ve been telling your brother, your adventures through the underground.” Allana added.

Sarah eyed here suspiciously.

“How do you know I’ve been telling Toby about the Underground?”

Allana grinned.

“When I heard that someone had finally bested the Goblin King I simply had to find out who you were.”

“But how will me telling stories about magic and the underground help?” Sarah asked.

“The Aboveground has very little magic left because there are so few people left who still believe in it. For there to be magic people must believe. Your stories sparked the belief in your brother’s eyes Sarah. The more people who hear your stories the more believe there will be.”

“So if I promise to tell stories about magic you’ll help me and my Friends?”

“In a nutshell yes.”

“Deal” Sarah said holding out her hand.

Allana looked at it puzzled at it.

“You’re meant to shake it.” Sarah explained

Allana looked even more confused.

“Whatever for?” she asked.

Sarah paused for a moment because she actually had no idea why people shook hands when they met or made deals.

She shrugged.

“They just do.” She said simply.

Allana shook her head and muttered something about the strange customs of humans before gingerly taking her hand and shaking it.

“Now, we’d best be getting your friends I suppose that the goblin king has them locked up in the dungeon?”

Sarah shook her head.

“No the agreement I made with him was that he had to release them and that he couldn’t harm them. So he decided to banish them to the Outlands.”

Sarah noticed that Allana flinched at the mention of the Outlands.

“The sneaking snake!” she spat “He always finds a loophole! His punishment itself doesn’t harm them, but the other creatures he’s banished will. The evil cheating git!” Allana muttered.

“You’ll still help them right?” Sarah asked pleadingly.

Allana nodded.

“I wouldn’t suffer my worst enemy to be trapped in that place! But it makes things more complicated.”

“How so?” Sarah questioned.

“It will take me the better part of a week to travel to the Outlands. Then I have to find your friends, the Outlands are vast and wide, without help it could take me weeks to find them.”

“Take me with you, and then we can both search!” Sarah pleaded.

“And have the Goblin King chase after us? No fear. He’d catch us before we’d get close to the Outlands.”

“But you said you would help me escape!” Sarah cried.

“And so I will. But first I need to get your friends out of the outlands and away from the Goblin King’s reach. Then I will come back for you.”

“But that could be weeks! Jareth could have forced me to go through with the stupid wedding ceremony by then!”

“Not necessarily. I need help navigating the Outlands to find your friends. There is a Witch who lives near them who might be able to help me. Granted she might need some persuading, but with her help I should be able to find them quicker than I would on my own. Then it’s only a few days to the mountain with the iron mines where I shall hide your friends. Then a week’s journey from the mountain back to the Labyrinth. That’s a little over two weeks to wait Sarah. Surly your friends mean enough to you for you to have a little patience.”

Sarah sighed and slumped her shoulders.

“Of course they do! I just don’t know if I can stand staying here for much longer.”

Allana chuckled.

“Not a fan of the Underground?”

“Not a fan of Jareth.” Sarah corrected.

“What smart sane female is?” Allana snorted.

Sarah smiled weakly. Allana smiled kindly at her.

“You’re strong Sarah. You bested the Labyrinth and its King. That’s no easy feat. If you can do that, then spending a few weeks here should be… damn what was the phrase you used? Ah yes ‘a piece of cake.’ Besides you won’t be alone, you have Scar here to keep you company.” Allana motioned to the Butterfly who was flitting around them.

“Scar?” Sarah asked

“Short for Scarlet.” Allana explained. “Whenever you need him you only have to wish. However whenever the Goblin King is close he shall return to the pendant. If the Goblin King were to find out I was helping you to escape….” Allana drew a finger across her throat.

“Will you give my friends a message from me? Tell them I’m sorry and that I miss them.”

“I will tell them. But in the mean time you must do something for me. In order for you to return home without the Goblin King being able to follow you and drag you back, we need some a certain kind of magic.”

“What kind of magic.” Sarah asked, doubtful that she would be able to procure it.

“An object that the Goblin King magic is connected to but also has a connection to you.” Allana explained.

“I’m not sure I know of any object.” Sarah admittedly.

Allana tapped her chin thoughtfully.

“I can think of one, The Goblin King trapped you inside a dream on you run by giving you magic fruit didn’t he?”

“A peach.” Sarah clarified.

“Well he created that peach for you from magic and you took a bite out of it which means you both have a magical connection with it. If the Goblin King’s magic is still connected with it it’s exactly the object I need to create a spell to protect you from him.”

“But I lost that Peach in the Junkyard, how will I ever find it? And if I do how do I know it’s still connected to Jareth’s magic?”

“You solved the Labyrinth surely finding a small peach isn’t that much of a challenge? As for knowing if the peach is still magical or not, if it has not changed since you took a bite then the connection is unbroken. If the peach has started to rot then it’s worthless.”

“You really think I can find it in that mess?” Sarah asked waving her hand in the junk yard’s direction.

“I have complete faith in you.” Allana smiled warmly, “Now if I’m going to reach your friends, I had better get moving and you should get back to the castle before the Goblin King realizes your missing.”

Scar fluttered forward dancing briefly in front of Sarah’s face before flying off towards one of the hedge lined paths.

“I’ll be seeing you soon Sarah.” Allana said before she turned to walk down a path opposite to the one Scar had picked. Sarah went to follow the glowing butterfly but turned back at Allana’s voice.

“And Sarah,” Allana called, “Be careful. The Goblin King never plays fair. He will try to trick you into binding yourself even more to him than you are already. You must not let that happen otherwise you’ll never be able to escape him.”

And then she was gone. Sarah smiled to herself. She had bested the Goblin King once she could do it again.
Disclaimer: i sadly do not own the Labyrinth all characters mentioned above belong to (C) Jim Henson. Meep, Reginald and other characters not from the film however do belong to me.
If you want me <nobr>update</nobr> keep those reviews coming

<nobr>Shortly</nobr> after sarah returns from The labyrinth she relises that the Goblin King is not quite as defeated as she hoped and that he is far from finshed with her! This time the Goblin King will stop at nothing to get what he wants!

chapter 1…
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khymes's avatar
Hey? Are you still active on DA? I want to know what happens to Sarah! D-: